Wednesday, April 28, 2010



Four perfect blue eggs nestled in twigs

Warmed and nurtured with maternal care.

Mother serene as she shelters her offspring

Father guards the nest from all who would stare.

Built inside our carport, on top of a light

Outside the door we use day and night.

We disturb mom and dad with our comings and goings

Soon we detour out the back door to let sleeping birds lie.

My son ever curious climbs a ladder to behold

Three wee balls of fluff, harboring one last blue egg.

I worry like crazy as if they were my own babies

Long skinny necks crane above the nest begging.

Tiny perfect veined heads rear up at each sound

Mouths expand as wide as they’ll spread.

One bird escapes the nest, now outward bound

Where did it go, what will it catch?

Leaving town for a few days away

Our return is greeted by a nest empty and hollow.

Would that I had wings, my little family I’d follow.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spring Walk

I enjoy going for a walk when not busy gardening. Went for a half hour walk today and a few snow flakes fluttered around me. After just returning from a week's holidays in Cuba, I'm finding the weather here a bit chilly to say the least. While walking I took in all the tulips in bloom, daffodils and grape hyacinths. I hope the birds soon start building nests in our back yard, we provide quite a few bird houses and have a small pond stocked with gold fish and koi. The birds enjoy bathing in the pond and give us much enjoyment. Most of the vegetable garden is turned over and Sunday we began planting peas, snow peas, carrots and parsnips. It's such a short growing season here, we try and get a jump start. Here's hoping the weather warms up soon.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring Gardening

Earth Warming

Tender shoots unfurling

Hands uncoil

From winter’s dormancy

Heart vibrating

Eager fingers flexing

To Plunge

Beneath earth’s surface

Dirty fingernails

Soil covered knees

Gardening tools

Smiling she sighs

Her joy

Thanking Mother Nature